Review: Reinforcement Learning
Tabular Value Based Methods
- Monte-Carlo backup: zero bias, high variance.
- Temporal difference backup: high bias, low variance.
- Dynamic programming backup.
On / Off Policy
- On-behavior-policy learning up: SARSA.
- Off-behavior-policy learning up: Q-learning.
MDP Objective
\(\begin{align*} V^{\pi}(s) &= E_{\tau_t\sim p(\tau_t)}\left[\sum_{i = 0}^{\infty} \gamma^i\cdot r_{t + i}| s_t = s \right]\\ Q^{\pi}(s, a) &= E_{\tau_t\sim p(\tau_t)}\left[\sum_{i = 0}^{\infty} \gamma^i\cdot r_{t + i}| s_t = s, a_t = a \right]\\ \pi^* &= \text{argmax}_{\pi} V^{\pi}(s) = \text{argmax}_{a,\pi} Q^{\pi} (s, a)\\ a^* &= \text{argmax}_{a\in A} Q^*(s, a) \end{align*}\)
Bellman equation:
\[\begin{align*} V^{\pi}(s) = \sum_{a\in A} \pi(a|s)\left[\sum_{s'\in S} T_a(s, s')\left[R_a(s, s') + \gamma\cdot V^{\pi}(s') \right] \right] \end{align*}\]Deep Value Based Methods
Dead Triad
Value function approximation is unstable:
- Function approximation (Deep).
- Off-policy learning (Q-learning).
- Bootstrapping (TD).
Three Problems
- Coverage.
Convergence proof of value iteration, Q-learning and SARSA depends on covering the entire state space, in the end. Not even close, in high dimensional problems. - Correlation.
- Supervised: Database examples are uncorrelated. Stable learning.
- Deep: Actions determine next state that will be learned from.
- Convergence.
- Supervised: Minimization loss-target \(y\) is fixed.
- Reinforcement: Convergence loss-target \(Q_{t−1}\) is moving.
- Converging on a moving target is hard.
Solutions in DQN
- Coverage: High exploration.
- Correlation: Replay buffer — de-correlation of examples.
- Store all experience in buffer.
- Sample from the history buffer.
- Choose action epsilon greedy.
- Add some SL to RL.
- Convergence: Low \(\alpha\), infrequent weight updates — slow learning.
- Introduce a separate target network for the convergence targets.
- Every \(c\) updates, clone the network to a target network.
- Add delay between updates of the network. Use updates in other states.
- Reduce oscillations or divergence of the policy.
- DQN: Baseline.
- Double DQN: De-overestimate values.
- Dueling DDQN: Advantage function \(A(s, a) = Q(s, a) - V(s)\) to standardize action values.
- Prioritized experience: Sort replay buffer history.
- A3C: Parallel actor critic.
- Distributional DQN: Probability distribution.
- Noisy DQN: Add parametric noise to increase exploration.
Name | Principle | Applicability | Effectiveness |
DQN | replay buffer | Atari | stable Q learning |
Double DQN | de-overestimate values | DQN | convergence |
Prioritized experience | decorrelation | replay buffer | convergence |
Distributional | probability distribution | stable gradients | generalization |
Random noise | parametric noise | stable gradients | more exploration |
Policy Based Reinforcement Learning
Tabular Versus Function Approximation
- Exact.
- Easy to design.
- Curse of dimensionality.
- No generalization.
Function approximation
- Generalization.
- Lower memory requirement (scales to high-dim).
- Approximation errors.
Type of space / Dimensionality
Discrete | Continuous | |
Low dimensional | Table / FA | Discretization / FA |
High dimensional | FA | FA |
The value function supports the update of the policy:
- Through bootstrapping: Lower variance in cumulative reward estimate.
- Through baseline subtraction: Lower variance in gradient estimate.
- As a direct target for optimization: Deterministic policy gradient.
- Train critic in the same way.
- Train actor by pushing gradient through the actions.
Policy Gradient
\(\begin{align*} \bigtriangledown_\theta J(\theta) &= \bigtriangledown_\theta E_{h_0\sim p_\theta (h_0)}[R(h_0)]\\ &= E_{h_0\sim p_\theta(h_0)}[R(h_0)\cdot \bigtriangledown_\theta \log p_\theta(h_0)]\\ &= E_{h_0\sim p_\theta(h_0)}\left[R(h_0)\cdot \sum_{t=0}^n \bigtriangledown_\theta \log \pi_{\theta}(a_t|s_t) \right] \end{align*}\)
Policy gradient theorem (REINFORCE)
Make sense to move \(R(h_0)\) inside the sum, since return of action only depends on future rewards.
General policy gradient formulation
\[\begin{align*} \bigtriangledown_\theta J(\theta) = E_{h_0\sim p_\theta(h_0)}\left[\sum_{t=0}^n \Psi_t \bigtriangledown_\theta \log \pi_\theta (a_t|s_t) \right] \end{align*}\]- Monte Carlo target \(\begin{align*} \Psi_t = \hat{Q}_{MC}(s_t, a_t) = \sum_{i = t}^{\infty} \gamma^i\cdot r_i \end{align*}\)
- Bootstrapping (n-step target) \(\begin{align*} \Psi_t = \hat{Q}_{n}(s_t, a_t) = \sum_{i = t}^{n - 1} \gamma^i\cdot r_i + \gamma^n V_\theta(s_n) \end{align*}\)
- Baseline subtraction \(\begin{align*} \Psi_t = \hat{Q}_{n}(s_t, a_t) = \sum_{i = t}^{\infty} \gamma^i\cdot r_i - V_\theta(s_t) \end{align*}\)
- Baseline subtraction + bootstrapping \(\begin{align*} \Psi_t = \hat{Q}_{n}(s_t, a_t) = \sum_{i = t}^{n - 1} \gamma^i\cdot r_i + \gamma^n V_\theta(s_n) - V_\theta(s_t) \end{align*}\)
- Q-value approximation \(\begin{align*} \Psi_t = Q_\theta(s_t, a_t) \end{align*}\)
Gradient-free Policy Search
- Evolutionary strategies
- Cross-entropy method
- Start with the normal distribution \(N(\mu, \sigma^2)\).
- Evaluate some parameters from this distribution and select the best.
- Compute the mean and standard deviation of the best. Add some noise and go to step 1.
- Simulated annealing
Policy Based Agents
Name | Approach |
REINFORCE | Policy-gradient optimization |
A3C | Distributed actor critic |
DDPG | Derivative of continuous action function |
TRPO | Dynamically sized step size |
PPO | Improved TRPO, first order |
SAC | Variance-based actor critic for robustness |
Enhancements to reduce high variance:
- Actor critic introduces within-episode value-based critics based on temporal difference value bootstrapping.
- Baseline subtraction introduces an advantage function to lower variance.
- Trust regions reduce large policy parameter changes.
- Exploration is crucial to get out of local minima. And for more robust result, high entropy action distributions are often used.
Model Based Reinforcement Learning
- Agent changing state in the environment.
- Irreversible state change.
- Forward path.
- Agent changing own local state.
- Reversible local state change.
- Backtracking Tree.
Classic approach: Dyna
- Dyna’s tabular imagination.
- Environment samples are used in a hybrid model-free / model-based manner, to train the transition model, use planning to improve the policy, while also training the policy function directly.
- This hybrid model-based planning is called imagination because looking ahead with the agent’s own dynamics model resembles imagining environment samples outside the real environment inside the “mind” of the agent.
- In this approach the imagined samples augment the real (environment) samples at no sample cost.
Imperfect Models
Improving Model Learning
- Modeling uncertainty
- Knowing uncertainty allows better planning. Smart methods from statistics for better sampling.
- Do planning sampling from distribution, plan with locally-linear search or with stochastic trajectory optimizer.
- Do not scale to high dimensional problems.
- Gaussian processes: Works but computationally expensive. e.g. PILCO, GPS, SVG.
- Ensembles. e.g. PETS.
- Latent models
- Compress observation space into (smaller) latent space by modeling on value prediction. And plan in small latent space.
- Reduce observation space to essence.
- Examples: PlaNet, Dreamer, VPN.
Improving Planning
- Trajectory rollouts and model-predictive control (MPC)
- Short trajectory rollouts: Reduce lookahead depth. Split rollouts in near future (planned) and far-future (model-free). \(\Rightarrow\) Model-based value expansion (MVE).
- Model-predictive control
- Decision-time planning.
- Highly non-linear function are often locally linear.
- MPC: optimize model over limited time, and re-learn. \(\Rightarrow\) PETS.
- End-to-end learning and planning
- Learn differentiable planning.
- “Impedance mismatch”.
- Model is learned 1-step.
- Planning looks-ahead n-step.
- Integrated end-to-end learning of model and planning matches model and planner.
- Example: Value iteration network (VIN), VProp, TreeQN, Predictron, MuZero, I2A, World Model.
- Learn differentiable planning.
Summary of Models
Learning | |||
Uncertainty ensembles | Latent models | ||
Planning | Trajectory / MPC | PILCO, GPS, SVG, Local, PETS, MVE, Meta | Deamer, Plan2Explore, L3P, VPN, SimPle, Dreamer-v2 |
End-to-end | VIN, Vprop, Network-Planning | TreeQN, I2A, Predictron, World Model, MuZero |
- PILCO: Uncertainty / trajectory, Gaussian processes. Computationally expensive.
- PETS: Ensemble, MPC.
- VPN: Latent / trajectory.
- Dreamer: Latent / trajectory.
- I2A: Latent / e2e.
- MuZero: Latent / e2e.
Two-agent Self-play
Examples of self-play
- Most two-agent board game-playing programs choose (versions of) themselves as opponent for simulation or learning.
- Minimax.
- Samuel’s checkers players.
- TD-Gammon: Tabula rasa self-play, shallow network, small alpha-beta search.
However, self-play is potentially unstable due to feedback and deadly triad. It is overcome in AlphaGo in dfferent ways.
AlphaZero: Three Levels of Self-play
- AlphaGo: The Champion.
- AlphaGo Zero: Tabula rasa. The self-learner.
- AlphaZero: Three games: Chess, Shogi, Go. The generalist.
Move-level Self-play
- Minimax: Assume you play best move, and opponent has your knowledge. Best of all actions.
- MCTS: Average of random playouts
- Four operations: Selection, expansion, simulation, back-propagation.
- Upper confidence bounds applied to trees (UCT) formula: UCT = winrate (exploitation) + \(C_p\) * newness (exploration).
Example-level Self-play
- Learning:
- AlphaGo structure.
- Four nets: Fast rollout policy, slow SL policy, slow RL policy, value net.
- Three learning methods:
- Supervised small patterns fast rollout policy.
- Supervised database grandmaster games.
- Reinforcement from database de-correlated self-play games.
- Policy \(\rightarrow\) selection. Value \(\rightarrow\) back-propagation. Playout \(\rightarrow\) simulation.
- AlphaGo Zero structure.
- Zero-knowledge.
- One net: ResNet with policy head and value head combined loss-function.
- No random playout / game database.
- One learning method: Self-play.
- Tabula Rasa: Only the rules & input / output layers, zero heuristics, zero grandmaster games.
- Faster: Curriculum learning.
- Stable: Extra exploration / De-correlation.
- How? MCTS + Noise + Exploration + Replay Buffer + Many games. AlphaGo Zero’s nets are not optimized against themselves, but against MCTS-improved versions of themselves.
- AlphaZero structure.
- Same net, same search, same tabula rasa self-play as AlphaGo Zero.
- Different input / output layers.
- AlphaGo structure.
- Actor critic
Game-level Self-play
- Curriculum learning
- Start with easy examples.
- Many small steps are faster than one large step.
- Self transcending player
Curriculum learning & friends:
- Learning is generalization from example to example.
- Curriculum learning easy to hard concepts.
- Multi-task learning two tasks at the same time.
- Transfer learning from problem to problem.
Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning
- Zero sum: win / loss.
- Nash equilibrium.
- The Nash equilibrium is point \(\pi^*\) from which in a non-collaborative setting none of the agents has any incentive to deviate.
- It is the optimal competitive strategy. Each agent chooses best actions for themselves assuming others do the same.
- It is guaranteed to do no worse than tie against any opponent strategy.
- For games of imperfect information the Nash equilibrium is an expected outcome.
- Counterfactual regret minimization (CFR).
- Multi-agent, partial information, competition.
- Iteratively minimize the regret of not having taken the right action, playing many “what-ifs” (counterfactuals).
- CFR is probabilistic multi-agent version of competitive minimax.
- Works quite well in Poker.
- Non zero sum: win / win.
- Pareto front.
- Pareto front is, in a cooperative setting, the combination of choices where no agent can be better off without at least making one other agent worse off.
- It is the optimal cooperative strategy, the best outcome without hurting others.
Cooperative behavior
- Dealing with nonstationarity and partial observability can be done (ignored) by separate training, no communication.
- Realism can be improved with Centralized Training / Decentralized Execution. \(\Rightarrow\) Centralized controller or interaction graphs.
- Overview of methods.
- Value based: VDN, QMIX.
- Policy based: COMA, MADDPG.
- Opponent modeling: DRON, LOLA.
- Communication: Diplomacy game.
- Psychology: Heuristics.
- Prisoner’s dilemma.
- Iterated prisoner’s dilemma: Start being nice. Then, tit for tat.
- Emerging social norms.
- Partial observability: Large state space. Information sets.
- Nonstationary environments: Large state space. Calculate all configurations.
- Multiple agents: Large state space. Especially with simultaneous actions.
Evolutionary approaches
- Evolutionary algorithms.
- Swarm computing. e.g. ant colony optimization.
- Population based training.
- Teams.
- Hierarchical.
- Cooperation / competition.
- Within / between teams.
- Blends RL and Evo.
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Two types of abstraction
- States: Representation learning is abstraction over states.
- Actions: Hierarchical RL is abstraction over actions.
- A primitive action is a regular, single-step, action.
- A macro-action is any multi-step action (sub-policy), such as: go from door A to door B.
- May be open-ended.
- Note that the model-free small-step policy is likely better (more precise) than a policy incorporating a few large steps.
- HRL may be faster, but also coarser.
Options: Subpolicies of primitive actions.
Tabular Algorithms
- Planning system that controlled SHAKEY, the robot.
- Macros were used to create higher level subroutines.
- User defines subgoals and subroutines.
- States are specified as conjunctions of predicates.
- Actions are described as preconditions and effects.
- Planning as search.
- HAM.
- Hierarchical decomposition of MDP and value function.
- Programmer defines subgoals and subpolicies.
- MAXQ-Q-learning.
- Introduce the Taxi domain.
- Abstraction hierarchies.
- Relation with planning, and thus with model-based.
Classical tabular methods suffer from combinatorial explosion of states/subgoals and actions/subpolicies for general methods.
Deep Learning Algorithms
- Feudal.
- Hierarchical Q-learning of sub-managers learning to satisfy demands by managers.
- Feudal Networks, using decoupled manager and worker modules, working at different time scales.
- Manager computes latent state representation and goal vector.
- Learning within the modules, to preserve local meaning.
- Results show improvements over Flat RL (A3C).
- Option Critic.
- Policy-gradient theorem for options, learn subpolicies and subgoals automatically.
- Number of options is hyperparameter.
- Good results on some ALE
- STRAW (Strategic Attentive Writer for Learning Macro-Actions).
- Learn implicit plans from environment.
- PacMan, Frostbite.
- Text problems.
- Data efficient hierarchical reinforcement learning.
- Sample efficient. Find subgoals and subpolicies.
- Compute upper and goal-conditioned lower levels in parallel.
- Off-policy (unstable lower levels).
- MuJoCo
- HAC.
- Learning multi-level hierarchies with hindsight.
- Overcomes instability of joint learning of upper and lower levels.
- AMIGo.
- Adversarially motivated intrinsic goals.
- Teacher should learn appropriate tasks for student, not too hard, not too easy.
- Intrinsic IMGEP.
- Slides of Reinforcement Learning course, 2023 Spring, Leiden University.
- Plaat, Aske. Deep Reinforcement Learning. 2022.