
Review: Information Retrieval


Search VS Recommendation

Search enginesRecommender systems
User has an information needUser has an interest
User types a queryUser goes to a service / app / website
System returns item sorted by relevance to that querySystem provides items that are relevant to the user
Based on match to the queryBased on user history/profile
Based on popularityBased on popularity

Two-stage Retrieval

Supervised learning with BERT: Not scalable to retrieval and ranking from large collections.

Common strategy: Use the embedding-based model to re-rank the top documents retrieved by a lexical IR model.

  1. Lexical retrieval and ranking with BM25 or LM.
  2. Re-ranking with a supervised BERT model.
First stageSecond stage
From large (huge) collectionRanking top-n documents from 1st stage
Often term-based (sparse)Often based on embeddings (dense)
Priority: recallPriority: precision at high ranks

Index Time VS Query Time

Index timeQuery time
Collect (new) documentsProcess the user query
Pre-process the documentsMatch the query to the index
Create the documents representationRetrieve the documents that are potentially relevant
Store the documents in the indexRank the documents by relevance score
Indexing can take timeRetrieval cannot take time (< 1s)


Lexical matching: Exact match, lexical models.
Semantic matching: Vocabulary mismatch, embeddings.


Set Metrics

  • Precision@k.

    \[\begin{align*} \text{precision@k} = \frac{\text{# retrieved & relevant documents in top-k}}{\text{# retrieved documents in top-k}} \end{align*}\]
  • Recall@k.

    \[\begin{align*} \text{recall@k} = \frac{\text{# retrieved & relevant documents in top-k}}{\text{# relevant documents}} \end{align*}\]
  • F-measure.

    • A tradeoff between precision and recall.

      \[\begin{align*} F_{\beta} = \frac{(1 + \beta^2) P \cdot R}{\beta^2 P + R} \end{align*}\]
    • \(\beta = 1\): Harmonic mean of precision and recall (most used).

      \[\begin{align*} F_1 = 2\cdot \frac{P \cdot R}{P + R} \end{align*}\]

Ranking Metrics

  • Mean reciprocal rank (MRR).
    • Reciprocal rank:

      \[\begin{align*} 𝑅𝑅 = \frac{1}{\text{rank of highest ranked relevant item}} \end{align*}\]
    • Mean reciprocal rank (MRR) = average over a set of queries.

  • Average precision (AP).

    \[\begin{align*} AP = \frac{\sum_{k = 1}^n (P(k)\cdot rel(k))}{\text{# of relevant items in the collection}} \end{align*}\]
    • \(n\): The number of results in the ranked list that we consider.
    • \(P(k)\): Precision at position \(k\).
    • \(rel(k)\): An indicator function equaling 1 if the item at rank \(k\) is a relevant document, zero otherwise.
    • Mean average precision (MAP) = the mean over all queries.

Multi-level Judgements


  1. Highly relevant results contribute more than slightly relevant results. \(\Rightarrow\) Cumulative gain (CG).
  2. The gain of a document should degrade with its rank. \(\Rightarrow\) Discounted cumulative gain (DCG).
  3. Better would be to have a 0-1 scale so that scores for queries can be compared. \(\Rightarrow\) Normalized discounted cumulative gain (nDCG).
  • CG.

    \[\begin{align*} CG(L) = \sum_{i = 1}^n r_i \end{align*}\]
  • DCG.

    \[\begin{align*} DCG(L) = r_1 + \sum_{i = 2}^n \frac{r_i}{\log_2 i} \end{align*}\]
  • iDCG: DCG for the ideally ranked list.
  • nDCG.

    \[\begin{align*} nDCG(L) = \frac{DCG(L)}{iDCG} \end{align*}\]


  • The relevance assessments are sparse (shallow): many queries, but on average, only one relevant judgment per query.
  • Consequences:
    1. Model training requires both positive as well as negative examples.
      Solution: sample random negatives. But these negatives are not necessarily irrelevant; they are just not labelled as relevant.
    2. Difficult to see differences between models with only one explicit relevance label for each query.

Boolean Model and Index Construction

Boolean Retrieval

  • Index construction (offline).
    • Data structures: Term-document incidence matrix, inverted index / inverted file (record the non-zero positions, postings).
    • Indexer steps:
      1. Token sequence.
      2. Sort.
      3. Dictionary & postings.
  • Query evaluation (online).
    • Merging algorithm: Postings sorted by docID. \(O(n+m)\) time complexity.
    • Query processing optimization.
      • (k AND m) AND n: Cost (k + m) + (min(k,m) + n).
      • (k OR m) AND n: Cost (k + m) + n.
      • Process in order of increasing frequency.
  • Pros and cons of Boolean IR.
    • Pros:
      • Precise semantics, easy to understand why documents are in result list.
      • Simpler index structure.
      • Computationally efficient query evaluation.
    • Con:
      • No ranked results.
      • No notion of partial matching.
      • Information need has to be translated into a Boolean expression which many users find awkward.
  • Phrase queries and positional indexes.
    • In the postings, store for each term the position(s) in which tokens of it appear:
      <term, number of docs containing term;
      doc1: position1, position2 … ;
      doc2: position1, position2 … ;
    • This significantly increases the index size.
  • Zipf’s law and power law term distributions.
    • The k-th most frequent term has frequency proportional to \(1/k\).
    \[\begin{align*} cf_k = \frac{c}{k} = \frac{cf_1}{k} = cf_1\cdot k^{-1} \end{align*}\]
    • \(cf_k\): Collection frequency, the number of occurrences of the term \(t_k\) in the collection.
    • \(c\) is the normalizing constant.
    • This is a power law (power = -1).


  • Why compression? (Search engines)
    • Keep more stuff in memory (increases speed).
    • Increase data transfer from disk to memory.
    • Premise: Decompression algorithms are fast.
  • The Huffman compression algorithm.
  • Entropy: The information value, the minimum number of bits per symbol for lossless encoding. \(H(P)\) is the entropy function for a probability distribution \(P(X)\).

    \[\begin{align*} H(P) = -\sum_{x\in X}P(x)\log_2 P(x) \end{align*}\]
  • Postings compression.
    • Delta encoding: Encoding differences between document numbers (d-gaps).
    • Variable length encoding: For a gap value G, compute its value in bits, determine the fewest bytes needed to hold \(log_2 G\) bits.
      1. Begin with one byte to store G and dedicate 1 bit in it to be a continuation bit c.
      2. If G \(\leq\) 127, binary-encode it in the 7 available bits and set c = 1.
        Else encode G’s lower-order 7 bits and then use additional bytes to encode the higher order bits using the same algorithm.
      3. At the end set the continuation bit of the last byte to 1 (c = 1) and of the other bytes to 0 (c = 0).

Vector Space Model

RSV: Retrieval status value.

  • For each query \(Q_i\) and document \(D_j\), compute a score \(RSV(Q_i,D_j)\).
  • At least ordinal scale (should support \(>\), \(<\), \(=\)).
  • Value should increase with relevance relation between the query \(Q_i\) and document \(D_j\).
  • Rank documents by RSV.

Set-based Approach

Jaccard similarity

\[\begin{align*} \text{Jaccard}(A, B) = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|} \end{align*}\]

Issues with Jaccard for scoring:

  1. We need a more sophisticated way of normalizing for length.
  2. Jaccard doesn’t consider term frequency.
  3. (Not too) rare terms in a collection are more informative than (too) frequent terms. Jaccard doesn’t consider this information.

Dice similarity

\[\begin{align*} \text{Dice}(A, B) = 2\cdot \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A| + |B|} = \frac{2J}{J + 1} \end{align*}\]

Term-weighting Approach

Bag of words model.

  • Term frequency (tf), internal weight: The term frequency \(tf_{t,d}\) of term \(t\) in document \(d\) is defined as the number of times that \(t\) occurs in \(d\).
    • Log-frequency weighting: The log frequency weight of term \(t\) in \(d\) is,

      \[\begin{align*} w_{t, d} = \begin{cases} 1 + \log_{10}(tf_{t, d})\quad &\text{if } tf_{t, d} > 0,\\ 0\quad &\text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{align*}\]
  • Inverse document frequency (idf), external weight: Term rarity. \(idf_t\) quantifies how surprised we are to see term \(t\) in a document.

    \[\begin{align*} idf_t = \log_{10} (N / df_t) \end{align*}\]
    • idf has no effect on ranking one term queries.
  • tf.idf weighting.

    \[\begin{align*} tf.idf(t, d) = (1 + \log_{10} tf_{t, d}) \times \log_{10} (N / df_t) \end{align*}\]
    • Increases with the number of occurrences within document / the rarity of the term in the collection.
    • \(tf.idf(t, d)\) is the evidence of \(d\) being relevant when looking for \(t\).
  • Document ranking: Documents and queries are vectors of term weights.
    • High-dimensional and sparse.
    • Proximity = similarity of vectors \(\approx\) inverse of distance.
    • Euclidean distance is large for “similar” vectors of different lengths.
    • Cosine similarity for length-normalized vectors.

      \[\begin{align*} \cos(q, d) = q\cdot d = \sum_{i = 1}^{|V|} q_id_i \end{align*}\]
    • Length normalization: Dividing a vector by its \(L_2\) norm.

      \[\begin{align*} \Vert x\Vert_2 = \sqrt{\sum_i x_i^2} \end{align*}\]
    • Cosine generalized for any \(d\) and \(q\).

      \[\begin{align*} \cos(q, d) = \frac{q\cdot d}{\Vert q\Vert\cdot \Vert d\Vert} = \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{|V|}q_id_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i = 1}^{|V|}q_i^2}\sqrt{\sum_{i = 1}^{|V|}d_i^2}} \end{align*}\]
  • Hypotheses for long documents.
    • Scope hypothesis: Cover more material than others.
    • Verbosity hypothesis: Covers a similar scope to a short document, but simply uses more words.

Neural IR

Word embeddings: Dense representations of words that have semantic interpretation.

  • Continuous, dense vector space.
  • Learned from unlabelled data: Masked language modelling with self-supervision.
One-hot / Term vector spacesEmbeddings
High-dimensional (\(\vert V\vert\))Lower-dimensional (still 100s)
Can be used for exact matchingCan be used for in-exact matching

Distributional hypothesis: Terms that occur in similar contexts tend to be semantically similar.

BERT: Used in a transfer learning setting.

  • Pre-training: Learning embeddings from huge unlabeled data (self-supervised).
  • Fine-tuning: Learning the classification model from smaller labeled data (supervised) for any NLP task (e.g. sentiment, named entities, classification).
  • The embeddings are dynamic: Being updated during fine-tuning (as opposed to earlier, static embeddings, like word2vec).
  • Input.
    • The first token of the input sequence is a special token called [CLS]. Used for classification.
    • Single-input tasks (e.g. sentence classification): End of input is [SEP].
    • Two-input tasks (e.g. sentence similarity): Texts are concatenated, separated by [SEP]. Another [SEP] token appended to the end.

Training Approaches

Pointwise: Learning a ranking from individual (q, d, rel) pairs.

  • Regression loss.

    \[\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}_{squared} &= \Vert rel_q(d) - score(q, d)\Vert^2\\ \mathcal{L}_{total} &= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N\mathcal{L}_{squared} \end{align*}\]
  • Loss function does not consider relative ranking between items in the same list, only absolute numbers.

Pairwise: Consider pairs of relevant and nonrelevant documents for the same query. Minimize the number of incorrect inversions in the ranking.

  • Pairwise hinge loss.

    \[\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}_{hinge} &= \max (0, 1 - (score(q, d_i) - score(q, d_j)))\\ \mathcal{L}_{total} &= \sum_{y(d_i) > y(d_j)} \mathcal{L}_{hinge} \end{align*}\]


  • Two-input classification, [[CLS], q, [SEP], \(d_i\), [SEP]]:
    • Fine-tuning: Learn the relevance label.
    • Inference: Predict the relevance label.
  • Cross-encoder: The general style of concatenating query and candidate texts into a transformer.
  • Output (the representation of the [CLS] token).
    • Used as input to a single-layer, fully connected neural network.
    • To obtain a probability \(s_i\) that the candidate \(d_i\) is relevant to \(q\).
    • Followed by a softmax function for the relevance classification.
  • The input has to be truncated if tokencount \(q + d_i < 512\): Computational complexity (memory) / Ranking and reranking has to be fast (< 1 second).
  • Pointwise learning-to-rank method: The loss function takes into account only one candidate text at a time.

Ranking long documents

  • The length limitation of BERT (and transformers in general) makes it necessary to truncate input texts. Or split documents in passages. \(\Rightarrow\) From passages to documents.
  • Challenges.
    • Training: Unclear what to feed to the model.
    • Inference: After getting a score for each passage we need to aggregate to a document score.
  • Solutions.
    • BERT-MaxP: Passage score aggregation.
      • Training: Treat all passages from a relevant document as relevant and all passages from a non-relevant document as not relevant.
      • Inference: Estimate the relevance of each passage, then take the maximum passage score (MaxP) as the document score.
    • PARADE: Passage representation aggregation.
      • Training: The same.
      • Inference: Aggregate the representations of passages rather than aggregating the scores of individual passages (averaging the [CLS] representation from each passage).
    • Alternatives for aggregation:
      • Passage-level relevance labels.
      • Transformer architectures for long texts (e.g. Longformer, BigBird).
      • Use of lexical models.

Dense Retrieval

  • Why? If we use exact (lexical matching) in the 1st stage we might miss relevant documents.
  • Dense retrieval is neural first-stage retrieval (replaces lexical retriever). Using embeddings in the first stage retrieval. Potentially solves the vocabulary mismatch problem by not requiring exact matches in the first stage (e.g. bike/bicycle).
    • Use a neural query encoder & nearest neighbor vector index.
    • Can be used as part of a larger pipeline.
  • Bi-encoder: Encode the query and document independently. Then compute relevance.
    • Metric: Estimate the mutual relevance. \(\eta\) = encoder. \(\phi\) = similarity function (e.g. dot product, cosine similarity), lightweight. \(\eta_q\), \(\eta_d\), \(\phi\) are learned in a supervised manner.

      \[\begin{align*} P(Relevance = 1|d_1, q) = \phi(\eta_q(q), \eta_d(d_i)) \end{align*}\]
    • Advantages.
      1. Fast at query time because only the query has to be encoded.
      2. Possibility to do end-to-end training. Removes mismatch between training and inference on a set pre-retrieved by BM25.
    • Commonly used bi-encoder model: Sentence-BERT, originally designed for sentence similarity.
      • Learn a softmax classifier based on the concatenation of \(u\) and \(v\) and their difference \(\vert u - v\vert\).

        \[\begin{align*} o = softmax(W_t\cdot (u \oplus v \oplus |u - v|)) \end{align*}\]
      • Loss function: Standard cross entropy loss between predicted relevance and true relevance labels.
      • At inference: \(\phi(u, v) = \cos(u, v)\).
      • Pointwise. Because we only take one \(d\) into account per learning item. At inference, we measure the similarity between \(q\) and each \(d\), then sort the \(d\)s by this similarity.
    • Why are bi-encoders less effective compared to cross-encoders?
      • Because cross-encoders can learn relevance signals from attention between the query and candidate texts (terms) at each transformer encoder layer.

Cross-encoder VS Bi-encoder

One encoder for q and d (concatenation)Separate encoders for q and d
Full interaction (attention) between words in q and dNo interaction between words in q and d
High quality rankerLower quality ranker (less effective)
But only possible in re-ranking (limited doc set)But highly efficient (also in 1st stage retrieval)


  • A model that has the effectiveness of cross-encoders and the efficiency of bi-encoders.
  • Based on the idea of “late interaction”. Encode the queries and the documents separately. Then use the MaxSim operator to compute the similarity between \(d\) and \(q\).
    • MaxSim: The maximally similar token from the document for each query term. \(\eta(t)_i\) is the \(i\)-th token of the text \(t\) (query or document).

      \[\begin{align*} s_{q, d} = \sum_{i\in \eta(q)} \max_{j\in \eta(d)} \eta(q)_i\cdot \eta(d)_j \end{align*}\]
    • Index time: Inverted index.
    • Query time: Two stage retrieval.
  • Compatible with nearest-neighbor search techniques.

Challenges of Neural IR Models

  • Long documents.
    • Memory burden of reading the whole document in the encoder.
    • Mixture of many topics, query matches may be spread.
    • Neural model must aggregate the relevant matches from different parts.
  • Short documents.
    • Fewer query matches.
    • But neural model is more robust towards the vocabulary mismatch problem than term-based matching models.

The long tail problem

  • Learn good representations of text. But rare terms and rare queries.
  • A good IR method:
    • Be able to retrieve infrequently searched-for documents.
    • Perform reasonably well on queries with rare terms.
    • Incorporate both lexical and semantic matching signals.

Probabilistic Information Retrieval

Binary Independence Model (BIM)

Binary: Boolean, documents are represented as binary incidence vectors of terms.
Independence: Terms occur in documents independently.

Model design

  • Interested only in ranking. Linked dependence assumption.
  • Binary term incidence vectors \(q\). \(x\) is the binary term incidence vector representing \(d\). Use odds and Bayes’ Rule:

    \[\begin{align*} O(R|q, x) &= \frac{p(R = 1|q, x)}{p(R = 0|q, x)}\\ &= \frac{p(R = 1|q)}{p(R = 0|q)}\cdot\frac{p(x|R = 1, q)}{p(x|R = 0, q)}\\ &= O(R|q)\cdot \prod_{t = 1}^n\frac{p(x_t|R = 1, q)}{p(x_t|R = 0, q)} \end{align*}\]

    Simplication: Let \(p_t = p(x_t = 1\vert R = 1, q)\), \(u_t = p(x_t = 1\vert R = 0, q)\). Assume, for all doc terms not occurring in the query (\(q_t = 0\)): \(p_t = u_t\). Isolate the constant.

    \[\begin{align*} O(R|q, x) &= O(R|q)\cdot \prod_{t, x_t = 1}\frac{p(x_t = 1|R = 1, q)}{p(x_t = 1|R = 0, q)}\cdot \prod_{t, x_t = 0} \frac{p(x_t = 0|R = 1, q)}{p(x_t = 0|R = 0, q)}\\ &= O(R|q)\cdot\prod_{t, x_t = 1, q_t = 1} \frac{p_t}{u_t}\cdot \prod_{t, x_t = 0, q_t = 1}\frac{1 - p_t}{1 - u_t}\\ &= O(R|q)\cdot\prod_{t, x_t = 1, q_t = 1} \frac{p_t}{u_t}\cdot\prod_{t, x_t = 1, q_t = 1}\left(\frac{1 - u_t}{1 - p_t}\cdot \frac{1 - p_t}{1 - u_t} \right) \cdot\prod_{t, x_t = 0, q_t = 1}\frac{1 - p_t}{1 - u_t}\\ &= O(R|q)\cdot\prod_{t, x_t = q_t = 1} \frac{p_t(1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)}\prod_{q_t = 1}\frac{1 - p_t}{1 - u_t}\\ &\propto \prod_{t, x_t = q_t = 1}\frac{p_t (1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)} \end{align*}\]
  • Retrieval status value: Take log.

    \[\begin{align*} RSV &= \log\prod_{t, x_t = q_t = 1}\frac{p_t(1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)}\\ &= \sum_{t, x_t = q_t = 1} \log\frac{p_t(1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)} \end{align*}\]

    Let \(c_t = \log\frac{p_t(1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)}\),

    \[\begin{align*} RSV = \sum_{t, x_t = q_t = 1} c_t \end{align*}\]
    • \(c_t\): Log odds ratios. They function as the term weights in this model.
  • Parameter estimation: For each term \(t\) look at the table of document counts.

    \(x_t = 1\)\(s\)\(n - s\)n
    \(x_t = 0\)\(S - s\)\(N - n - S + s\)N - n
    TotalSN - SN
    \[\begin{align*} \hat{p}_t &= \frac{s}{S}\\ \hat{u}_t &= \frac{n - s}{N - S}\\ \hat{c}_t &= \log\frac{\frac{s}{S - s}}{\frac{n - s}{N - n - S + s}} \end{align*}\]
  • Smoothing: Avoid situations where \(p_t = 0\) or \(u_t = 0\).
    • Laplace smoothing: Add a small quantity (0.5) to the counts in each cell.

      \[\begin{align*} p_t &= \frac{s + 1 / 2}{S + 1}\\ u_t &= \frac{n - s + 1 / 2}{N - S + 1} \end{align*}\]
    • Use a constant \(p_t = 0.5\) resulting in idf weighting of terms. In this case RSV can be simplified to:

      \[\begin{align*} RSV = \sum_{t, x_t = q_t = 1} \log \frac{N}{n_t} \end{align*}\]

Probabilistic Relevance Feedback

  • Improve the estimate of \(p_t\).
    1. Initial ranking using \(p_t=0.5\).
    2. Take top \(\vert V\vert\) documents from the ranked result list.
    3. User assesses for relevance: Resulting in two sets — VR and VNR (Relevant / Non relevant).
    4. Re-estimate \(p_t\) and \(u_t\) on the basis of these

      \[\begin{align*} p_t &= |VR_t + 1 / 2| / |VR + 1|\\ u_t &= |VR_t + 1 / 2| / |VR + 1| \end{align*}\]
  • Pseudo relevance feedback: Assume that \(VR = V\) (all top docs are relevant).


  • Goal: Be sensitive to term frequency and document length while not adding too many parameters.
  • Generative model for documents: Distribution of term frequencies across documents (tf) follows a binomial distribution — approximated by a Poisson distribution.
  • Poisson distribution.
    • Occurrences are independent, do not occur simultaneously.
    • Rate is independent of any occurrence
    \[\begin{align*} p(k) = \frac{\lambda^k}{k!}e^{-\lambda} \end{align*}\]
  • One Poisson model flaw: A reasonable fit for “general” terms, but is a rather poor fit for topic-specific terms.
  • Eliteness: Binary, represents aboutness. The document is about the concept denoted by the term. Documents are composed of “topical (elite)” terms and supportive more common terms.
    • Elite terms: good indexing terms. Let \(\pi = p(E_i = 1\vert R)\).

      \[\begin{align*} RSV^{elite} &= \sum_{i\in q, tf_i > 0} c_i^{elite}(tf_i)\\ c_i^{elite}(tf_i) &= \log\frac{p(TF_i = tf_i|R = 1)p(TF_i = 0|R = 0)}{p(TF_i = 0|R = 1)p(TF_i = tf_i|R = 0)}\\ p(TF_i = tf_i|R) &= \sum_{E_i = \{0, 1\}} p(E_i, TF_i = tf_i|R)\\ &= \sum_{E_i\in\{0, 1\}} [\pi p(TF_i = tf_i|E_i = 1, R) + (1 - \pi)p(TF_i = tf_i|E_i = 0, R)] \end{align*}\]
  • 2-Poisson model: \(\pi\) is probability that term is elite for document. The distribution is different depending on whether the term is elite or not.

    \[\begin{align*} p(TF_i = k_i|R) = \pi\frac{\lambda^k}{k!}e^{-\lambda} + (1 - \pi)\frac{\mu^k}{k!}e^{-\mu} \end{align*}\]
  • Saturation function.
    • Approximate parameters for the 2-Poisson model with a simple parametric curve that has the same qualitative properties.

      \[\begin{align*} \frac{tf}{k_1 + tf} \end{align*}\]
    • For high values of \(k_1\), increments in \(tf_i\) continue to contribute significantly to the score.
    • Contributions tail off quickly for low values of \(k_1\).
  • Document length normalization.
    • A real document collection probably has both effects. Should apply some kind of partial normalization.
      • Verbosity: Suggest observed \(tf_i\) too high.
      • Larger scope: Suggest observed \(tf_i\) may be right.
    • Length normalization component.

      \[\begin{align*} B = \left((1 - b) + b\frac{dl}{avdl}\right),\quad 0 \leq b \leq 1 \end{align*}\]
      • \(b = 1\): Full document length normalization, 100% verbosity.
      • \(b = 0\): No document length normalization, 100% scope.
      • Document length \(dl\): \(dl = \sum_{i\in V} tf_i\).
      • \(avdl\): Average document length over collection.
  • Okapi BM25.
    • Normalize \(tf\) using document length.

      \[\begin{align*} tf_i' &= \frac{tf_i}{B}\\ c_i^{BM25}(tf_i) &= \log \frac{N}{df_i}\cdot \frac{(k_1 + 1)tf_i'}{k_1 + tf_i'}\\ &= \log \frac{N}{df_i}\cdot \frac{(k_1 + 1)tf_i}{k_1\left((1 - b) + b\frac{dl}{avdl} \right) + tf_i} \end{align*}\]
    • BM25 ranking function.

      \[\begin{align*} RSV^{BM25} = \sum_{i\in q} c_i^{BM25}(tf_i) \end{align*}\]
    • \(k_1\) controls term frequency scaling (saturation function). \(k_1 = 0\) is binary model. \(k_1\) large is raw term frequency.
    • \(b\) controls document length normalization. \(b = 0\) is no length normalization (scope). \(b = 1\) is relative frequency (fully scale by document length, verbose).

Language Modeling for IR

Query-Likelihood Model

  • Rank documents by the probability that the query could be generated by the document model (i.e. same topic).

    \[\begin{align*} P(D|Q) = \frac{P(Q|D)P(D)}{P(Q)} \propto P(Q|D)P(D) \end{align*}\]
  • Assumptions.
    1. Prior is uniform.
    2. Unigram model: Sampling with replacement.
  • Query likelihood.

    \[\begin{align*} RSV(Q, D) = \prod_{i = 1}^n P(q_i|D) \end{align*}\]
  • Maximum likelihood estimate.

    \[\begin{align*} P(q_i|D) = \frac{f_{q_i, D}}{|D|} \end{align*}\]
  • If query words are missing from document, score will be zero.
  • Sparse data problem. \(\Rightarrow\) Smoothing.
    • Feature space is large.
    • Relatively small amount of data for estimation.


  • Smoothing by discounting: Laplace.

    \[\begin{align*} P_{laplace}(w) = \frac{c(w) + \alpha}{\sum_{w\in V}c(w) + \alpha|V|} \end{align*}\]
    • All unseen terms are assigned an equal probability.
  • Smoothing by linear interpolation.

    • Estimate for unseen words: \(\alpha_D P(q_i\vert C)\).
    • Estimate for words that occur is: \((1 - \alpha_D)P(q_i\vert C) + \alpha_D P(q_i\vert C)\).
    • Jelinek Mercer smoothing: \(\alpha_D\) is a constant \(\lambda\).

      \[\begin{align*} P(q_1, q_2, \dots, q_n|D) &= \prod_{j = 1}^k P(q_j|D)\\ \Rightarrow P(q_1, q_2, \dots, q_n|D) &= \prod_{j = 1}^n [(1 - \lambda)P(q_j|D) + \lambda P(q_j|C)]\\ \Rightarrow \log P(q_1, q_2, \dots, q_n|D) &= \sum_{j = 1}^n \log[(1 - \lambda)P(q_j|D) + \lambda P(q_j|C)] \end{align*}\]
      • \(\log P(Q\vert D)\) proportional to the term frequency and inversely proportional to the collection frequency.
    • Dirichlet smoothing: \(\alpha_D\) depends on document length.

      \[\begin{align*} \alpha_D &= \frac{\mu}{|D| + \mu}\\ P(q_i|D) &= \frac{f_{q_i, D} + \mu\frac{c_{q_i}}{|C|}}{|D| + \mu}\\ \log P(Q|D) &= \sum_{i = 1}^n \log\frac{f_{q_i, D} + \mu\frac{c_{q_i}}{|C|}}{|D| + \mu} \end{align*}\]

Relevance Model

Key idea: Use document collection for query expansion, formalized as re-estimating a relevance model.
Relevance model: Language model representing information need.\

  • Assumption: Query and relevant documents are samples from this model.
  • (negative) KL divergence as ranking score.
  • Pseudo-relevance feedback for LM: Query expansion technique.
  • Estimating the relevance model.

    \[\begin{align*} P(w|R) &\approx P(w|q_1, \dots, q_n) = \frac{P(w, q_1, \dots, q_n)}{P(q_1, \dots, q_n)}\\ P(w, q_1, \dots, q_n) &= \sum_{D\in C}P(D)P(w, q_1, \dots, q_n|D) \\ &= \sum_{D\in C}P(D)P(w|D)\prod_{i = 1}^n P(q_i|D) \end{align*}\]
    • \(P(w, q_1, \dots, q_n\vert D)\) is simply a weighted average of the language model probabilities for \(w\) in a set of documents, where the weights are the query likelihood scores for those documents. Approximation: Take top N documents, since weights are very small for low rank documents.

Web Search and Recommender Systems

Two intuitions about hyperlinks:

  1. The anchor text pointing to page B is a good description of page B (textual information).
  2. The hyperlink from A to B represents an endorsement of page B, by the creator of page A (quality signal).

Both signals contain noise.


  • Pages visited more frequently in a random walk on the web are the more important pages.
  • A random walk on the Web: Incoming link counts + indirect citations + smoothing.

    \[\begin{align*} PR(p) = \frac{\alpha}{N} + (1 - \alpha)\sum_{q\rightarrow p}\frac{PR(q)}{O(q)} \end{align*}\]
    • \(N\): Total number of pages in Web graph.
    • \(PR(q)\): PageRank score of \(q\) in current iteration.
    • \(O(q)\): Number of outgoing links of page \(q\).



  1. Queries are often short and ambiguous.
  2. If we take query-document similarity as the most important ranking criterion, there might be a lot of redundance in the top-ranked results.

Maximal marginal relevance: Novelty-based diversification approach. Discount the relevance by the document’s maximum similarity.

\[\begin{align*} f_{MMR}(q, d, D_q) = \lambda f_1(q, d) - (1 - \lambda)\max_{d_j\in D_q}f_2(d, d_j) \end{align*}\]
  • \(f_1(q, d)\): Relevance of \(d\) to \(q\).
  • \(f_2(q, d)\): Similarity of \(d_j\) to \(d\).

Recommender Systems

Three types of models:

  1. Collaborative filtering systems: Use user-item interactions.
  2. Content-based recommender systems: Use the attribute information about the users and items (textual).
  3. Knowledge-based recommender systems: The recommendations are based on explicitly specified user requirements.


  1. Offline evaluation with benchmarks.
  2. User studies.
  3. Online evaluation (A/B testing).

Societal relevance:

  1. Bias: Recommended items get more exposure.
  2. Transparency: Explanations help the user.
  3. Privacy: What information is stored about the user and how can the system minimize personal information use.
  4. Filter bubbles / rabbit holes: Aim for some diversity in the recommendations.

Learn from User Interactions

Find related queries in the query log:

  • Based on common substring (starting with the same word).
  • Based on co-occurrence in a session.
  • Based on term clustering (embeddings).
  • Based on clicks.
  • Or a combination of these.

Learning from Interaction Data

  • Implicit feedback is noisy.
  • Implicit feedback is biased.
    1. Position bias.
      • How to measure the effect of the position bias?
        Intervention in the ranking: Swap documents + A/B testing.
      • Inverse Propensity Scoring (IPS) estimators can remove position bias. Propensity of observation = probability that a document is observed by the user. Weigh clicks depending on their observation probability.
    2. Selection bias.
    3. Presentation bias.

Click Models

Dependent click model (DCM)

  • Assumptions:
    • Cascade assumption: Examination is in strictly sequential order with no breaks.
    • Click probability depends on document relevance.
    • Examination probability depends on click.
    • Users are homogeneous: Their information needs are similar given the same query.
  • From top to down, traverse - examine - decide - continue.

Simulation of Interaction

  • Pros:
    • How the system behaves.
    • A large amount of data.
    • Low cost.
    • Replicated.
    • Understanding.
  • Cons:
    • Models can become complex if we want to mirror realistic user behaviour.
    • Choose from too many possibilities.
    • Represent actual user behavior / performance.
    • Application context.

Query Generation

  • Query expansion: No changes to the index are required.
    • Pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF), e.g. RM3
      • Top-ranked documents are assumed to be relevant, thus providing a source for additional query terms.
      • Get the most relevant terms from the top-n documents.
      • Add these to the query (expanded query).
      • Reissue this expanded query to obtain a new ranked list.
    • Does not always improve BERT-based rankers, because contextual embeddings work better with natural language queries.
  • Document expansion: More context for a model to choose appropriate expansion terms. Can be applied at index time.
    • Doc2query: For document expansion.
      • Train a sequence-to-sequence model that, given a text from a corpus, produces queries for which that document might be relevant.
      • Train on relevant pairs of documents-queries.
      • Use the model to predict relevant queries for documents.
      • Append predicted queries to the original texts (document expansion).


  • Retrieval-based methods:
    • Select the best possible response from a collection of responses.
    • Common in Question Answering systems.
    • Uses IR techniques.
    • Pros: Source is transparent. Efficient. Evaluation straightforward.
    • Cons: Answer space is limited. Potentially not fluent. Less interactive.
  • Generation-based methods:
    • Generate a response in natural language.
    • Common in social chatbots.
    • Uses generative language models.
    • Pros: Fluent and human-like. Tailored to user and input. More interactive.
    • Cons: Not necessarily factual, potentially toxic. GPU-heavy. Evaluation challenging.
  • Hybrid methods: Retrieve information, then generate the response.


  • Logical self-consistency: Semantic coherence and internal logic (not contradicting earlier utterances).
  • Safety, transparency, controllability: It is difficult to control the output of a generative model. This could lead to toxic language or hate speech.
  • Efficiency: Time- and memory-consuming training and inference.

Domain-specific IR


  • Complex, highly specific search tasks.
  • Long sessions (many queries) with not only query search but also browsing and link following.
  • User-specific and context-specific tasks.
  • Users who need control over the search process.

High-recall (or even: full-recall) tasks: No relevant information should be missed.

  • Prior art retrieval: Previously published patents.
  • eDiscovery: All relevant information in the case of a law suit or legal investigation.
  • Systematic reviewing: Collect an exhaustive summary of current evidence relevant to a research question.

Shallow relevance assessments: The collected assessments are biased toward the pool, and thereby towards the initial rankers. If we run completely different ranking models, we retrieve documents without relevance assessment.

Challenges of query-by-document retrieval

  1. Long documents in the collection.
  2. Long queries.
  3. Domain-specific language.
  4. Lack of labelled data.

Dealing with (long) documents as queries

  • Use word-based methods (BM25) on the full text.
  • Extract query terms and the use regular retrieval models.
  • Truncate all documents or use only the abstract.
  • Automatic summarization.
  • Use paragraph-level retrieval and aggregation.


  1. Slides of Information Retrieval course, 2023 Spring, Leiden University.
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