Review: Information Retrieval
Search VS Recommendation
Search engines | Recommender systems |
User has an information need | User has an interest |
User types a query | User goes to a service / app / website |
System returns item sorted by relevance to that query | System provides items that are relevant to the user |
Based on match to the query | Based on user history/profile |
Based on popularity | Based on popularity |
Two-stage Retrieval
Supervised learning with BERT: Not scalable to retrieval and ranking from large collections.
Common strategy: Use the embedding-based model to re-rank the top documents retrieved by a lexical IR model.
- Lexical retrieval and ranking with BM25 or LM.
- Re-ranking with a supervised BERT model.
First stage | Second stage |
From large (huge) collection | Ranking top-n documents from 1st stage |
Unsupervised | Supervised |
Often term-based (sparse) | Often based on embeddings (dense) |
Priority: recall | Priority: precision at high ranks |
Index Time VS Query Time
Index time | Query time |
Collect (new) documents | Process the user query |
Pre-process the documents | Match the query to the index |
Create the documents representation | Retrieve the documents that are potentially relevant |
Store the documents in the index | Rank the documents by relevance score |
Indexing can take time | Retrieval cannot take time (< 1s) |
Lexical matching: Exact match, lexical models.
Semantic matching: Vocabulary mismatch, embeddings.
Set Metrics
\[\begin{align*} \text{precision@k} = \frac{\text{# retrieved & relevant documents in top-k}}{\text{# retrieved documents in top-k}} \end{align*}\]Recall@k.
\[\begin{align*} \text{recall@k} = \frac{\text{# retrieved & relevant documents in top-k}}{\text{# relevant documents}} \end{align*}\]F-measure.
A tradeoff between precision and recall.
\[\begin{align*} F_{\beta} = \frac{(1 + \beta^2) P \cdot R}{\beta^2 P + R} \end{align*}\]\(\beta = 1\): Harmonic mean of precision and recall (most used).
\[\begin{align*} F_1 = 2\cdot \frac{P \cdot R}{P + R} \end{align*}\]
Ranking Metrics
- Mean reciprocal rank (MRR).
Reciprocal rank:
\[\begin{align*} 𝑅𝑅 = \frac{1}{\text{rank of highest ranked relevant item}} \end{align*}\]Mean reciprocal rank (MRR) = average over a set of queries.
Average precision (AP).
\[\begin{align*} AP = \frac{\sum_{k = 1}^n (P(k)\cdot rel(k))}{\text{# of relevant items in the collection}} \end{align*}\]- \(n\): The number of results in the ranked list that we consider.
- \(P(k)\): Precision at position \(k\).
- \(rel(k)\): An indicator function equaling 1 if the item at rank \(k\) is a relevant document, zero otherwise.
- Mean average precision (MAP) = the mean over all queries.
Multi-level Judgements
- Highly relevant results contribute more than slightly relevant results. \(\Rightarrow\) Cumulative gain (CG).
- The gain of a document should degrade with its rank. \(\Rightarrow\) Discounted cumulative gain (DCG).
- Better would be to have a 0-1 scale so that scores for queries can be compared. \(\Rightarrow\) Normalized discounted cumulative gain (nDCG).
\[\begin{align*} CG(L) = \sum_{i = 1}^n r_i \end{align*}\]DCG.
\[\begin{align*} DCG(L) = r_1 + \sum_{i = 2}^n \frac{r_i}{\log_2 i} \end{align*}\]- iDCG: DCG for the ideally ranked list.
\[\begin{align*} nDCG(L) = \frac{DCG(L)}{iDCG} \end{align*}\]
- The relevance assessments are sparse (shallow): many queries, but on average, only one relevant judgment per query.
- Consequences:
- Model training requires both positive as well as negative examples.
Solution: sample random negatives. But these negatives are not necessarily irrelevant; they are just not labelled as relevant. - Difficult to see differences between models with only one explicit relevance label for each query.
- Model training requires both positive as well as negative examples.
Boolean Model and Index Construction
Boolean Retrieval
- Index construction (offline).
- Data structures: Term-document incidence matrix, inverted index / inverted file (record the non-zero positions, postings).
- Indexer steps:
- Token sequence.
- Sort.
- Dictionary & postings.
- Query evaluation (online).
- Merging algorithm: Postings sorted by docID. \(O(n+m)\) time complexity.
- Query processing optimization.
- (k AND m) AND n: Cost (k + m) + (min(k,m) + n).
- (k OR m) AND n: Cost (k + m) + n.
- Process in order of increasing frequency.
- Pros and cons of Boolean IR.
- Pros:
- Precise semantics, easy to understand why documents are in result list.
- Simpler index structure.
- Computationally efficient query evaluation.
- Con:
- No ranked results.
- No notion of partial matching.
- Information need has to be translated into a Boolean expression which many users find awkward.
- Pros:
- Phrase queries and positional indexes.
- In the postings, store for each term the position(s) in which tokens of it appear:
<term, number of docs containing term;
doc1: position1, position2 … ;
doc2: position1, position2 … ;
etc.> - This significantly increases the index size.
- In the postings, store for each term the position(s) in which tokens of it appear:
- Zipf’s law and power law term distributions.
- The k-th most frequent term has frequency proportional to \(1/k\).
- \(cf_k\): Collection frequency, the number of occurrences of the term \(t_k\) in the collection.
- \(c\) is the normalizing constant.
- This is a power law (power = -1).
- Why compression? (Search engines)
- Keep more stuff in memory (increases speed).
- Increase data transfer from disk to memory.
- Premise: Decompression algorithms are fast.
- The Huffman compression algorithm.
Entropy: The information value, the minimum number of bits per symbol for lossless encoding. \(H(P)\) is the entropy function for a probability distribution \(P(X)\).
\[\begin{align*} H(P) = -\sum_{x\in X}P(x)\log_2 P(x) \end{align*}\]- Postings compression.
- Delta encoding: Encoding differences between document numbers (d-gaps).
- Variable length encoding: For a gap value G, compute its value in bits, determine the fewest bytes needed to hold \(log_2 G\) bits.
- Begin with one byte to store G and dedicate 1 bit in it to be a continuation bit c.
- If G \(\leq\) 127, binary-encode it in the 7 available bits and set c = 1.
Else encode G’s lower-order 7 bits and then use additional bytes to encode the higher order bits using the same algorithm. - At the end set the continuation bit of the last byte to 1 (c = 1) and of the other bytes to 0 (c = 0).
Vector Space Model
RSV: Retrieval status value.
- For each query \(Q_i\) and document \(D_j\), compute a score \(RSV(Q_i,D_j)\).
- At least ordinal scale (should support \(>\), \(<\), \(=\)).
- Value should increase with relevance relation between the query \(Q_i\) and document \(D_j\).
- Rank documents by RSV.
Set-based Approach
Jaccard similarity
\[\begin{align*} \text{Jaccard}(A, B) = \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|} \end{align*}\]Issues with Jaccard for scoring:
- We need a more sophisticated way of normalizing for length.
- Jaccard doesn’t consider term frequency.
- (Not too) rare terms in a collection are more informative than (too) frequent terms. Jaccard doesn’t consider this information.
Dice similarity
\[\begin{align*} \text{Dice}(A, B) = 2\cdot \frac{|A \cap B|}{|A| + |B|} = \frac{2J}{J + 1} \end{align*}\]Term-weighting Approach
Bag of words model.
- Term frequency (tf), internal weight: The term frequency \(tf_{t,d}\) of term \(t\) in document \(d\) is defined as the number of times that \(t\) occurs in \(d\).
Log-frequency weighting: The log frequency weight of term \(t\) in \(d\) is,
\[\begin{align*} w_{t, d} = \begin{cases} 1 + \log_{10}(tf_{t, d})\quad &\text{if } tf_{t, d} > 0,\\ 0\quad &\text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{align*}\]
Inverse document frequency (idf), external weight: Term rarity. \(idf_t\) quantifies how surprised we are to see term \(t\) in a document.
\[\begin{align*} idf_t = \log_{10} (N / df_t) \end{align*}\]- idf has no effect on ranking one term queries.
tf.idf weighting.
\[\begin{align*} tf.idf(t, d) = (1 + \log_{10} tf_{t, d}) \times \log_{10} (N / df_t) \end{align*}\]- Increases with the number of occurrences within document / the rarity of the term in the collection.
- \(tf.idf(t, d)\) is the evidence of \(d\) being relevant when looking for \(t\).
- Document ranking: Documents and queries are vectors of term weights.
- High-dimensional and sparse.
- Proximity = similarity of vectors \(\approx\) inverse of distance.
- Euclidean distance is large for “similar” vectors of different lengths.
Cosine similarity for length-normalized vectors.
\[\begin{align*} \cos(q, d) = q\cdot d = \sum_{i = 1}^{|V|} q_id_i \end{align*}\]Length normalization: Dividing a vector by its \(L_2\) norm.
\[\begin{align*} \Vert x\Vert_2 = \sqrt{\sum_i x_i^2} \end{align*}\]Cosine generalized for any \(d\) and \(q\).
\[\begin{align*} \cos(q, d) = \frac{q\cdot d}{\Vert q\Vert\cdot \Vert d\Vert} = \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{|V|}q_id_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i = 1}^{|V|}q_i^2}\sqrt{\sum_{i = 1}^{|V|}d_i^2}} \end{align*}\]
- Hypotheses for long documents.
- Scope hypothesis: Cover more material than others.
- Verbosity hypothesis: Covers a similar scope to a short document, but simply uses more words.
Neural IR
Word embeddings: Dense representations of words that have semantic interpretation.
- Continuous, dense vector space.
- Learned from unlabelled data: Masked language modelling with self-supervision.
One-hot / Term vector spaces | Embeddings |
Sparse | Dense |
High-dimensional (\(\vert V\vert\)) | Lower-dimensional (still 100s) |
Observable | Latent |
Can be used for exact matching | Can be used for in-exact matching |
Distributional hypothesis: Terms that occur in similar contexts tend to be semantically similar.
BERT: Used in a transfer learning setting.
- Pre-training: Learning embeddings from huge unlabeled data (self-supervised).
- Fine-tuning: Learning the classification model from smaller labeled data (supervised) for any NLP task (e.g. sentiment, named entities, classification).
- The embeddings are dynamic: Being updated during fine-tuning (as opposed to earlier, static embeddings, like word2vec).
- Input.
- The first token of the input sequence is a special token called [CLS]. Used for classification.
- Single-input tasks (e.g. sentence classification): End of input is [SEP].
- Two-input tasks (e.g. sentence similarity): Texts are concatenated, separated by [SEP]. Another [SEP] token appended to the end.
Training Approaches
Pointwise: Learning a ranking from individual (q, d, rel) pairs.
Regression loss.
\[\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}_{squared} &= \Vert rel_q(d) - score(q, d)\Vert^2\\ \mathcal{L}_{total} &= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N\mathcal{L}_{squared} \end{align*}\]Loss function does not consider relative ranking between items in the same list, only absolute numbers.
Pairwise: Consider pairs of relevant and nonrelevant documents for the same query. Minimize the number of incorrect inversions in the ranking.
Pairwise hinge loss.
\[\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}_{hinge} &= \max (0, 1 - (score(q, d_i) - score(q, d_j)))\\ \mathcal{L}_{total} &= \sum_{y(d_i) > y(d_j)} \mathcal{L}_{hinge} \end{align*}\]
- Two-input classification, [[CLS], q, [SEP], \(d_i\), [SEP]]:
- Fine-tuning: Learn the relevance label.
- Inference: Predict the relevance label.
- Cross-encoder: The general style of concatenating query and candidate texts into a transformer.
- Output (the representation of the [CLS] token).
- Used as input to a single-layer, fully connected neural network.
- To obtain a probability \(s_i\) that the candidate \(d_i\) is relevant to \(q\).
- Followed by a softmax function for the relevance classification.
- The input has to be truncated if tokencount \(q + d_i < 512\): Computational complexity (memory) / Ranking and reranking has to be fast (< 1 second).
- Pointwise learning-to-rank method: The loss function takes into account only one candidate text at a time.
Ranking long documents
- The length limitation of BERT (and transformers in general) makes it necessary to truncate input texts. Or split documents in passages. \(\Rightarrow\) From passages to documents.
- Challenges.
- Training: Unclear what to feed to the model.
- Inference: After getting a score for each passage we need to aggregate to a document score.
- Solutions.
- BERT-MaxP: Passage score aggregation.
- Training: Treat all passages from a relevant document as relevant and all passages from a non-relevant document as not relevant.
- Inference: Estimate the relevance of each passage, then take the maximum passage score (MaxP) as the document score.
- PARADE: Passage representation aggregation.
- Training: The same.
- Inference: Aggregate the representations of passages rather than aggregating the scores of individual passages (averaging the [CLS] representation from each passage).
- Alternatives for aggregation:
- Passage-level relevance labels.
- Transformer architectures for long texts (e.g. Longformer, BigBird).
- Use of lexical models.
- BERT-MaxP: Passage score aggregation.
Dense Retrieval
- Why? If we use exact (lexical matching) in the 1st stage we might miss relevant documents.
- Dense retrieval is neural first-stage retrieval (replaces lexical retriever). Using embeddings in the first stage retrieval. Potentially solves the vocabulary mismatch problem by not requiring exact matches in the first stage (e.g. bike/bicycle).
- Use a neural query encoder & nearest neighbor vector index.
- Can be used as part of a larger pipeline.
- Bi-encoder: Encode the query and document independently. Then compute relevance.
Metric: Estimate the mutual relevance. \(\eta\) = encoder. \(\phi\) = similarity function (e.g. dot product, cosine similarity), lightweight. \(\eta_q\), \(\eta_d\), \(\phi\) are learned in a supervised manner.
\[\begin{align*} P(Relevance = 1|d_1, q) = \phi(\eta_q(q), \eta_d(d_i)) \end{align*}\]- Advantages.
- Fast at query time because only the query has to be encoded.
- Possibility to do end-to-end training. Removes mismatch between training and inference on a set pre-retrieved by BM25.
- Commonly used bi-encoder model: Sentence-BERT, originally designed for sentence similarity.
Learn a softmax classifier based on the concatenation of \(u\) and \(v\) and their difference \(\vert u - v\vert\).
\[\begin{align*} o = softmax(W_t\cdot (u \oplus v \oplus |u - v|)) \end{align*}\]- Loss function: Standard cross entropy loss between predicted relevance and true relevance labels.
- At inference: \(\phi(u, v) = \cos(u, v)\).
- Pointwise. Because we only take one \(d\) into account per learning item. At inference, we measure the similarity between \(q\) and each \(d\), then sort the \(d\)s by this similarity.
- Why are bi-encoders less effective compared to cross-encoders?
- Because cross-encoders can learn relevance signals from attention between the query and candidate texts (terms) at each transformer encoder layer.
Cross-encoder VS Bi-encoder
Cross-encoder | Bi-encoder |
One encoder for q and d (concatenation) | Separate encoders for q and d |
Full interaction (attention) between words in q and d | No interaction between words in q and d |
High quality ranker | Lower quality ranker (less effective) |
But only possible in re-ranking (limited doc set) | But highly efficient (also in 1st stage retrieval) |
- A model that has the effectiveness of cross-encoders and the efficiency of bi-encoders.
- Based on the idea of “late interaction”. Encode the queries and the documents separately. Then use the MaxSim operator to compute the similarity between \(d\) and \(q\).
MaxSim: The maximally similar token from the document for each query term. \(\eta(t)_i\) is the \(i\)-th token of the text \(t\) (query or document).
\[\begin{align*} s_{q, d} = \sum_{i\in \eta(q)} \max_{j\in \eta(d)} \eta(q)_i\cdot \eta(d)_j \end{align*}\]- Index time: Inverted index.
- Query time: Two stage retrieval.
- Compatible with nearest-neighbor search techniques.
Challenges of Neural IR Models
- Long documents.
- Memory burden of reading the whole document in the encoder.
- Mixture of many topics, query matches may be spread.
- Neural model must aggregate the relevant matches from different parts.
- Short documents.
- Fewer query matches.
- But neural model is more robust towards the vocabulary mismatch problem than term-based matching models.
The long tail problem
- Learn good representations of text. But rare terms and rare queries.
- A good IR method:
- Be able to retrieve infrequently searched-for documents.
- Perform reasonably well on queries with rare terms.
- Incorporate both lexical and semantic matching signals.
Probabilistic Information Retrieval
Binary Independence Model (BIM)
Binary: Boolean, documents are represented as binary incidence vectors of terms.
Independence: Terms occur in documents independently.
Model design
- Interested only in ranking. Linked dependence assumption.
Binary term incidence vectors \(q\). \(x\) is the binary term incidence vector representing \(d\). Use odds and Bayes’ Rule:
\[\begin{align*} O(R|q, x) &= \frac{p(R = 1|q, x)}{p(R = 0|q, x)}\\ &= \frac{p(R = 1|q)}{p(R = 0|q)}\cdot\frac{p(x|R = 1, q)}{p(x|R = 0, q)}\\ &= O(R|q)\cdot \prod_{t = 1}^n\frac{p(x_t|R = 1, q)}{p(x_t|R = 0, q)} \end{align*}\]Simplication: Let \(p_t = p(x_t = 1\vert R = 1, q)\), \(u_t = p(x_t = 1\vert R = 0, q)\). Assume, for all doc terms not occurring in the query (\(q_t = 0\)): \(p_t = u_t\). Isolate the constant.
\[\begin{align*} O(R|q, x) &= O(R|q)\cdot \prod_{t, x_t = 1}\frac{p(x_t = 1|R = 1, q)}{p(x_t = 1|R = 0, q)}\cdot \prod_{t, x_t = 0} \frac{p(x_t = 0|R = 1, q)}{p(x_t = 0|R = 0, q)}\\ &= O(R|q)\cdot\prod_{t, x_t = 1, q_t = 1} \frac{p_t}{u_t}\cdot \prod_{t, x_t = 0, q_t = 1}\frac{1 - p_t}{1 - u_t}\\ &= O(R|q)\cdot\prod_{t, x_t = 1, q_t = 1} \frac{p_t}{u_t}\cdot\prod_{t, x_t = 1, q_t = 1}\left(\frac{1 - u_t}{1 - p_t}\cdot \frac{1 - p_t}{1 - u_t} \right) \cdot\prod_{t, x_t = 0, q_t = 1}\frac{1 - p_t}{1 - u_t}\\ &= O(R|q)\cdot\prod_{t, x_t = q_t = 1} \frac{p_t(1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)}\prod_{q_t = 1}\frac{1 - p_t}{1 - u_t}\\ &\propto \prod_{t, x_t = q_t = 1}\frac{p_t (1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)} \end{align*}\]Retrieval status value: Take log.
\[\begin{align*} RSV &= \log\prod_{t, x_t = q_t = 1}\frac{p_t(1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)}\\ &= \sum_{t, x_t = q_t = 1} \log\frac{p_t(1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)} \end{align*}\]Let \(c_t = \log\frac{p_t(1 - u_t)}{u_t(1 - p_t)}\),
\[\begin{align*} RSV = \sum_{t, x_t = q_t = 1} c_t \end{align*}\]- \(c_t\): Log odds ratios. They function as the term weights in this model.
Parameter estimation: For each term \(t\) look at the table of document counts.
\[\begin{align*} \hat{p}_t &= \frac{s}{S}\\ \hat{u}_t &= \frac{n - s}{N - S}\\ \hat{c}_t &= \log\frac{\frac{s}{S - s}}{\frac{n - s}{N - n - S + s}} \end{align*}\]Documents Relevant Non-relevant Total \(x_t = 1\) \(s\) \(n - s\) n \(x_t = 0\) \(S - s\) \(N - n - S + s\) N - n Total S N - S N - Smoothing: Avoid situations where \(p_t = 0\) or \(u_t = 0\).
Laplace smoothing: Add a small quantity (0.5) to the counts in each cell.
\[\begin{align*} p_t &= \frac{s + 1 / 2}{S + 1}\\ u_t &= \frac{n - s + 1 / 2}{N - S + 1} \end{align*}\]Use a constant \(p_t = 0.5\) resulting in idf weighting of terms. In this case RSV can be simplified to:
\[\begin{align*} RSV = \sum_{t, x_t = q_t = 1} \log \frac{N}{n_t} \end{align*}\]
Probabilistic Relevance Feedback
- Improve the estimate of \(p_t\).
- Initial ranking using \(p_t=0.5\).
- Take top \(\vert V\vert\) documents from the ranked result list.
- User assesses for relevance: Resulting in two sets — VR and VNR (Relevant / Non relevant).
Re-estimate \(p_t\) and \(u_t\) on the basis of these
\[\begin{align*} p_t &= |VR_t + 1 / 2| / |VR + 1|\\ u_t &= |VR_t + 1 / 2| / |VR + 1| \end{align*}\]
- Pseudo relevance feedback: Assume that \(VR = V\) (all top docs are relevant).
- Goal: Be sensitive to term frequency and document length while not adding too many parameters.
- Generative model for documents: Distribution of term frequencies across documents (tf) follows a binomial distribution — approximated by a Poisson distribution.
- Poisson distribution.
- Occurrences are independent, do not occur simultaneously.
- Rate is independent of any occurrence
- One Poisson model flaw: A reasonable fit for “general” terms, but is a rather poor fit for topic-specific terms.
- Eliteness: Binary, represents aboutness. The document is about the concept denoted by the term. Documents are composed of “topical (elite)” terms and supportive more common terms.
Elite terms: good indexing terms. Let \(\pi = p(E_i = 1\vert R)\).
\[\begin{align*} RSV^{elite} &= \sum_{i\in q, tf_i > 0} c_i^{elite}(tf_i)\\ c_i^{elite}(tf_i) &= \log\frac{p(TF_i = tf_i|R = 1)p(TF_i = 0|R = 0)}{p(TF_i = 0|R = 1)p(TF_i = tf_i|R = 0)}\\ p(TF_i = tf_i|R) &= \sum_{E_i = \{0, 1\}} p(E_i, TF_i = tf_i|R)\\ &= \sum_{E_i\in\{0, 1\}} [\pi p(TF_i = tf_i|E_i = 1, R) + (1 - \pi)p(TF_i = tf_i|E_i = 0, R)] \end{align*}\]
2-Poisson model: \(\pi\) is probability that term is elite for document. The distribution is different depending on whether the term is elite or not.
\[\begin{align*} p(TF_i = k_i|R) = \pi\frac{\lambda^k}{k!}e^{-\lambda} + (1 - \pi)\frac{\mu^k}{k!}e^{-\mu} \end{align*}\]- Saturation function.
Approximate parameters for the 2-Poisson model with a simple parametric curve that has the same qualitative properties.
\[\begin{align*} \frac{tf}{k_1 + tf} \end{align*}\]- For high values of \(k_1\), increments in \(tf_i\) continue to contribute significantly to the score.
- Contributions tail off quickly for low values of \(k_1\).
- Document length normalization.
- A real document collection probably has both effects. Should apply some kind of partial normalization.
- Verbosity: Suggest observed \(tf_i\) too high.
- Larger scope: Suggest observed \(tf_i\) may be right.
Length normalization component.
\[\begin{align*} B = \left((1 - b) + b\frac{dl}{avdl}\right),\quad 0 \leq b \leq 1 \end{align*}\]- \(b = 1\): Full document length normalization, 100% verbosity.
- \(b = 0\): No document length normalization, 100% scope.
- Document length \(dl\): \(dl = \sum_{i\in V} tf_i\).
- \(avdl\): Average document length over collection.
- A real document collection probably has both effects. Should apply some kind of partial normalization.
- Okapi BM25.
Normalize \(tf\) using document length.
\[\begin{align*} tf_i' &= \frac{tf_i}{B}\\ c_i^{BM25}(tf_i) &= \log \frac{N}{df_i}\cdot \frac{(k_1 + 1)tf_i'}{k_1 + tf_i'}\\ &= \log \frac{N}{df_i}\cdot \frac{(k_1 + 1)tf_i}{k_1\left((1 - b) + b\frac{dl}{avdl} \right) + tf_i} \end{align*}\]BM25 ranking function.
\[\begin{align*} RSV^{BM25} = \sum_{i\in q} c_i^{BM25}(tf_i) \end{align*}\]- \(k_1\) controls term frequency scaling (saturation function). \(k_1 = 0\) is binary model. \(k_1\) large is raw term frequency.
- \(b\) controls document length normalization. \(b = 0\) is no length normalization (scope). \(b = 1\) is relative frequency (fully scale by document length, verbose).
Language Modeling for IR
Query-Likelihood Model
Rank documents by the probability that the query could be generated by the document model (i.e. same topic).
\[\begin{align*} P(D|Q) = \frac{P(Q|D)P(D)}{P(Q)} \propto P(Q|D)P(D) \end{align*}\]- Assumptions.
- Prior is uniform.
- Unigram model: Sampling with replacement.
Query likelihood.
\[\begin{align*} RSV(Q, D) = \prod_{i = 1}^n P(q_i|D) \end{align*}\]Maximum likelihood estimate.
\[\begin{align*} P(q_i|D) = \frac{f_{q_i, D}}{|D|} \end{align*}\]- If query words are missing from document, score will be zero.
- Sparse data problem. \(\Rightarrow\) Smoothing.
- Feature space is large.
- Relatively small amount of data for estimation.
Smoothing by discounting: Laplace.
\[\begin{align*} P_{laplace}(w) = \frac{c(w) + \alpha}{\sum_{w\in V}c(w) + \alpha|V|} \end{align*}\]- All unseen terms are assigned an equal probability.
Smoothing by linear interpolation.
- Estimate for unseen words: \(\alpha_D P(q_i\vert C)\).
- Estimate for words that occur is: \((1 - \alpha_D)P(q_i\vert C) + \alpha_D P(q_i\vert C)\).
Jelinek Mercer smoothing: \(\alpha_D\) is a constant \(\lambda\).
\[\begin{align*} P(q_1, q_2, \dots, q_n|D) &= \prod_{j = 1}^k P(q_j|D)\\ \Rightarrow P(q_1, q_2, \dots, q_n|D) &= \prod_{j = 1}^n [(1 - \lambda)P(q_j|D) + \lambda P(q_j|C)]\\ \Rightarrow \log P(q_1, q_2, \dots, q_n|D) &= \sum_{j = 1}^n \log[(1 - \lambda)P(q_j|D) + \lambda P(q_j|C)] \end{align*}\]- \(\log P(Q\vert D)\) proportional to the term frequency and inversely proportional to the collection frequency.
Dirichlet smoothing: \(\alpha_D\) depends on document length.
\[\begin{align*} \alpha_D &= \frac{\mu}{|D| + \mu}\\ P(q_i|D) &= \frac{f_{q_i, D} + \mu\frac{c_{q_i}}{|C|}}{|D| + \mu}\\ \log P(Q|D) &= \sum_{i = 1}^n \log\frac{f_{q_i, D} + \mu\frac{c_{q_i}}{|C|}}{|D| + \mu} \end{align*}\]
Relevance Model
Key idea: Use document collection for query expansion, formalized as re-estimating a relevance model.
Relevance model: Language model representing information need.\
- Assumption: Query and relevant documents are samples from this model.
- (negative) KL divergence as ranking score.
- Pseudo-relevance feedback for LM: Query expansion technique.
Estimating the relevance model.
\[\begin{align*} P(w|R) &\approx P(w|q_1, \dots, q_n) = \frac{P(w, q_1, \dots, q_n)}{P(q_1, \dots, q_n)}\\ P(w, q_1, \dots, q_n) &= \sum_{D\in C}P(D)P(w, q_1, \dots, q_n|D) \\ &= \sum_{D\in C}P(D)P(w|D)\prod_{i = 1}^n P(q_i|D) \end{align*}\]- \(P(w, q_1, \dots, q_n\vert D)\) is simply a weighted average of the language model probabilities for \(w\) in a set of documents, where the weights are the query likelihood scores for those documents. Approximation: Take top N documents, since weights are very small for low rank documents.
Web Search and Recommender Systems
Two intuitions about hyperlinks:
- The anchor text pointing to page B is a good description of page B (textual information).
- The hyperlink from A to B represents an endorsement of page B, by the creator of page A (quality signal).
Both signals contain noise.
- Pages visited more frequently in a random walk on the web are the more important pages.
A random walk on the Web: Incoming link counts + indirect citations + smoothing.
\[\begin{align*} PR(p) = \frac{\alpha}{N} + (1 - \alpha)\sum_{q\rightarrow p}\frac{PR(q)}{O(q)} \end{align*}\]- \(N\): Total number of pages in Web graph.
- \(PR(q)\): PageRank score of \(q\) in current iteration.
- \(O(q)\): Number of outgoing links of page \(q\).
- Queries are often short and ambiguous.
- If we take query-document similarity as the most important ranking criterion, there might be a lot of redundance in the top-ranked results.
Maximal marginal relevance: Novelty-based diversification approach. Discount the relevance by the document’s maximum similarity.
\[\begin{align*} f_{MMR}(q, d, D_q) = \lambda f_1(q, d) - (1 - \lambda)\max_{d_j\in D_q}f_2(d, d_j) \end{align*}\]- \(f_1(q, d)\): Relevance of \(d\) to \(q\).
- \(f_2(q, d)\): Similarity of \(d_j\) to \(d\).
Recommender Systems
Three types of models:
- Collaborative filtering systems: Use user-item interactions.
- Content-based recommender systems: Use the attribute information about the users and items (textual).
- Knowledge-based recommender systems: The recommendations are based on explicitly specified user requirements.
- Offline evaluation with benchmarks.
- User studies.
- Online evaluation (A/B testing).
Societal relevance:
- Bias: Recommended items get more exposure.
- Transparency: Explanations help the user.
- Privacy: What information is stored about the user and how can the system minimize personal information use.
- Filter bubbles / rabbit holes: Aim for some diversity in the recommendations.
User Interaction and Conversational Search
Learn from User Interactions
Find related queries in the query log:
- Based on common substring (starting with the same word).
- Based on co-occurrence in a session.
- Based on term clustering (embeddings).
- Based on clicks.
- Or a combination of these.
Learning from Interaction Data
- Implicit feedback is noisy.
- Implicit feedback is biased.
- Position bias.
- How to measure the effect of the position bias?
Intervention in the ranking: Swap documents + A/B testing. - Inverse Propensity Scoring (IPS) estimators can remove position bias. Propensity of observation = probability that a document is observed by the user. Weigh clicks depending on their observation probability.
- How to measure the effect of the position bias?
- Selection bias.
- Presentation bias.
- Position bias.
Click Models
Dependent click model (DCM)
- Assumptions:
- Cascade assumption: Examination is in strictly sequential order with no breaks.
- Click probability depends on document relevance.
- Examination probability depends on click.
- Users are homogeneous: Their information needs are similar given the same query.
- From top to down, traverse - examine - decide - continue.
Simulation of Interaction
- Pros:
- How the system behaves.
- A large amount of data.
- Low cost.
- Replicated.
- Understanding.
- Cons:
- Models can become complex if we want to mirror realistic user behaviour.
- Choose from too many possibilities.
- Represent actual user behavior / performance.
- Application context.
Query Generation
- Query expansion: No changes to the index are required.
- Pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF), e.g. RM3
- Top-ranked documents are assumed to be relevant, thus providing a source for additional query terms.
- Get the most relevant terms from the top-n documents.
- Add these to the query (expanded query).
- Reissue this expanded query to obtain a new ranked list.
- Does not always improve BERT-based rankers, because contextual embeddings work better with natural language queries.
- Pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF), e.g. RM3
- Document expansion: More context for a model to choose appropriate expansion terms. Can be applied at index time.
- Doc2query: For document expansion.
- Train a sequence-to-sequence model that, given a text from a corpus, produces queries for which that document might be relevant.
- Train on relevant pairs of documents-queries.
- Use the model to predict relevant queries for documents.
- Append predicted queries to the original texts (document expansion).
- Doc2query: For document expansion.
Conversational Search
- Retrieval-based methods:
- Select the best possible response from a collection of responses.
- Common in Question Answering systems.
- Uses IR techniques.
- Pros: Source is transparent. Efficient. Evaluation straightforward.
- Cons: Answer space is limited. Potentially not fluent. Less interactive.
- Generation-based methods:
- Generate a response in natural language.
- Common in social chatbots.
- Uses generative language models.
- Pros: Fluent and human-like. Tailored to user and input. More interactive.
- Cons: Not necessarily factual, potentially toxic. GPU-heavy. Evaluation challenging.
- Hybrid methods: Retrieve information, then generate the response.
- Logical self-consistency: Semantic coherence and internal logic (not contradicting earlier utterances).
- Safety, transparency, controllability: It is difficult to control the output of a generative model. This could lead to toxic language or hate speech.
- Efficiency: Time- and memory-consuming training and inference.
Domain-specific IR
- Complex, highly specific search tasks.
- Long sessions (many queries) with not only query search but also browsing and link following.
- User-specific and context-specific tasks.
- Users who need control over the search process.
High-recall (or even: full-recall) tasks: No relevant information should be missed.
- Prior art retrieval: Previously published patents.
- eDiscovery: All relevant information in the case of a law suit or legal investigation.
- Systematic reviewing: Collect an exhaustive summary of current evidence relevant to a research question.
Shallow relevance assessments: The collected assessments are biased toward the pool, and thereby towards the initial rankers. If we run completely different ranking models, we retrieve documents without relevance assessment.
Challenges of query-by-document retrieval
- Long documents in the collection.
- Long queries.
- Domain-specific language.
- Lack of labelled data.
Dealing with (long) documents as queries
- Use word-based methods (BM25) on the full text.
- Extract query terms and the use regular retrieval models.
- Truncate all documents or use only the abstract.
- Automatic summarization.
- Use paragraph-level retrieval and aggregation.
- Slides of Information Retrieval course, 2023 Spring, Leiden University.